
By-Products Upcycling

Evaluation of the potential of agroindustrial by-products.

What we do

¿Qué hacemos?

In Magenta Biolabs we analyze organic agricultural and agroindustrial byproducts of high nutritional content to determine their potential to be reintegrated in productive processes for different applications; either as a reimbursement model specific to the industry requesting the service or as a production model for other industries.

Why we do it better?

¿Por qué lo hacemos mejor?

We work together with several cooperatives of producers of different areas, which facilitates the generation of connections between producers of by-products and those interested in using them or taking advantage of them.

How can you company bennefit from this?

Detalle del programa

With our service, your company or association can:

- Implement new business models.

- Generate added economic and environmental value to the by-products generated.

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